Exercise Database

Course: PHRE 3044 – Special Populations Movement Pattern: Pull | vertical Target: Latissimus Dorsi Synergist(s): Biceps
Regressions: Progressions: Lat Pulldown | Inverted Row

Equipment: Band, Cable
  1. Position the wheelchair/chair at appropriate distance.  Secure wheelchair by locking brakes.
  2. Remove arm rests +/- foot pedals if preferred.  Do not remove arm rests and foot pedals without a spotter for clients will limited trunk and lower limb control.
  3. Carefully hand off lat bar to client.
  4. Grasp the handle with a pronated grip (double overhand).  Secure grip if grasping issues (e.g. active hands).
  5. Slightly lean back.
  6. Initiate the movement by depressing the shoulder blade and then flexing the elbow while extending the shoulder.
  7. Pull the handle towards your body until the elbows are in line with your torso and then slowly lower the handle back to the starting position under control.  Engage core throughout movement.
Common Error(s): Inappropriate momentum | Forward Head Posture
Spotting: Band/Tubing Anchoring
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