Lab Overview
Learning Objectives
- Review squat anatomy
- Understand key teaching points for basic squat mechanics (using a goblet squat)
- Learn the barbell back squat
- Understand how to adjust J-hooks and safety arms
- Understand proper spottingÂ
- Understand tools to adapt ROM (heel lift, safety squat bar, box squat)
- Additional study: Barbell front squat (using 3 different grip options)
Lab Tasks
In this week’s lab, you will be required to:
- Practice installing j-hooks & safety arms at the appropriate height for your client
- Practice spotting a client
- Practice the back squat (aim to establish a 10-12 RM load). Also consider the following:
- Heel lift: discuss how did ROM differ with/without a heel lift?
- Safety squat bar: discuss implications for clients with shoulder mobility issues
- Box squat: discuss when/why to implement box squats with a client
Lab Content
0% Complete
0/7 Steps