Goblet Squat

The Goblet squat is an excellent screening/introductory movement for teaching proper squat mechanics.

Common Squat Teaching Points

  1. Instruct client to stand with feet approximately shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly out.
  2. Discuss the importance of maintaining as erect a torso as possible (neutral spine).
  3. Instruct client to keep knees aligned with toes (knees don't collapse in)
  4. Discuss target ROM (squat until knees are bent below 90 degrees)
  5. Cue client to keep weight back (e.g.: weight over ankles or more towards heels than toes)

By holding a weight in front the body, clients are able to concentrate on sitting back into the movement and go through a fairly complete ROM (with little to no stress on the lower back).

Goblet Squat

Movement Pattern: Squat Target: Quadriceps Synergist(s): Gluteals, Hip Adductors
Regressions: TRX Assisted Squat | Box Squat Progressions: Back Squat | Front Squat
Key Teaching Points

Standing with feet approximately shoulder width, toes pointed slightly out, grasp a dumbbell with both hands in front of chest. While keeping:

  1. Your torso erect (neutral spine)
  2. Your weight on the heels of your feet

Sit backwards until your hips break parallel and your knees are bent below 90 degrees. Pause at the bottom of the squat then pushing off your heels, return back to the starting position.

Common Error(s): Valgus knees

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

Movement Pattern: Lower Body Target: Quadriceps Synergist(s):
Regressions: Progressions: Standing Quadriceps Stretch
Key Teaching Points

Have client lie on their side, with both legs extended. Bend the top leg, grasping the foot/ankle. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds, providing a gentle amount of resistance with your hand.

Remind client to avoid holding their breath and that all stretches should be held to the point of mild tension, but never pain.

Common Error(s):

Standing Quadriceps Stretch

Movement Pattern: Lower Body Target: Quadriceps Synergist(s):
Regressions: Progressions:
Key Teaching Points

Have client stand, holding onto something secure for balance. Instruct client to bend one leg behind them, while attempting to grasp their foot/ankle. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds, providing a gentle amount of resistance with your hand.

Then repeat with other leg.

Remind client to avoid holding their breath and that all stretches should be held to the point of mild tension, but never pain.

Common Error(s):

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