Lab Rubric

Rubric - Peer Grading

Student to Verify


Client Goals

Missing = No goals discussed
Developing = Asked about goals, no follow-up
Competent = Asked about goals, attempted to follow-up
Exemplary = Asked about goals, lead to meaningful discussion

Missing = No history discussed
Developing = asked about history, no follow-up
Competent = asked about history, attempted to follow-up
Exemplary = asked about history, lead to meaningful discussion
Injuries/Health Conditions


Missing = no purpose given
Developing = linked to anatomy
Competent = linked to anatomy and function
Exemplary = linked to anatomy, function and client goals
On-going screening

Missing = did not attempt
Developing = asked once
Competent = asked continuously


Missing = did not attempt
Developing = review related to muscle group
Competent = reviewed key teaching points, related to muscle group and function
Exemplary = reviewed key teaching points, related to overall program plan or progression
Poor = no attempt to maintain conversation
Developing = stilted or awkward attempt to maintain conversation
Competent = appropriate conversation maintained throughout
Exemplary = high level of client rapport established and maintained throughout



{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}