1-FMS Deep Squat
FMS = Functional Movement Screen
- Functional Movement = Whole body, multi-joint movements that mimic both the way we were made to move and the way we presently need to move in order to operate at a high functioning level (and with a high quality of life) in our daily lives.
- Move well, then move often. Injury prevention. Improved 'real world' function (e.g. lifting boxes, navigating stairs)
- 7 FMS Screens --> Deep Squat, Inline Lunge, Hurdle Step (big three), Shoulder Mobility, Active Straight Leg Raise, Trunk Stability Push-up, Rotary Stability Bird Dog
3 = Correct form, no heel lift
- Torso is parallel with tibia/vertical
- Femur below horizontal
- No knee valgus/straight
- Dowel over feet
2 = Correct form, heel lift
- Same as 3 with heel lift
1 = Incorrect form, heel lift
- Unable to obtain correct form with heel lift
0 = PAIN, see physio
Set Up:
- Feet shoulder width apart
- Elbows at 90 degrees, dowel pressed straight overhead
- Heels remain flat
- Squat as low as you can with control
- 3 attempts without and with dowel (if needed)
Data Collection:
2-Ankle Mobility Anatomy
Why might the FMS Deep squat be difficult?
- Muscle weakness? Poor coordination? Joint stiffness?
- If heel lift helped --> possible ankle stiffness?
- Causes of ankle stiffness --> tight muscles (feel a stretch in calf) or injury/scar tissue/pain (pressure in joint / top of ankle --> refer to physio)
Ankle Anatomy
- Hinge Joint (talocrural joint)
- Plantar (Gastrocnemius and Soleus) vs. Dorsi flexion (Tibialis Anterior)
When we squat
- When we squat we are moved into dorsiflexion, therefore our plantarflexors, when tight, could limit ankle range.
- Gastrocnemeus and Soleus are different. One crosses the knee. Soleus is the problem.
- Stretching Soleus. Ankle dorsiflexion with a bend knee (eliminate gastroc).
- Maintaining length by strengthening antagonist or Tibialis Anterior (walking uphill or on inclined treadmill)
3-Injury Stories - Achilles Tendonitis AIRCAST
Foot and ankle injury stories?
Achilles tendonitis and the AIRCAST demo