1-FMS Inline Lunge

3 = Completed lunge, correct form, no movement
- Dowel contact maintained
- Dowel remains vertical
- Minimal to no torso movement
- Dowel and feet remain in sagittal plane
- Knee touches the center of the board
- Front foot remains in start position
2 = Completed the lunge, but some loss of form
- Dowel contact not maintained
- Dowel does not remain vertical
- Movement in torso
- Dowel and feet do not remain in sagittal plane
- Knee does not touch center of the board
- Flat front foot does not remain in start position
1 = Can't complete a lunge
- Loss of balance by stepping off the board
- Inability to complete movement pattern
- Inability to get into set up position
0 = PAIN, see physio
Set Up:
- Right hand up, Right leg back, etc.
- Front foot tibial tuberosity distance away
- Three points of dowel contact (head, back, pelvis)
- Remain upright, lunge back knee to plank and return with control
- 3 attempts
Data Collection:
2-Knee Valgus and Ligament Anatomy
Why might the knee move inwards during the lunge?
- Valgus ("knocked knees") and the gluteus medius muscle.


How is the knee stabilized?
- Hinge joint --> only allows minimal movement, rest form the hip
- Ligamentous structures: M/L Meniscus, MCL, LCL, ACL, PCL
- Some muscular support but relies heavily on ligamentous

3-Injury Stories - ACL Injuries
Knee Injury Stories?
ACL tears and lower body mechanics.