Exercise Database

Course: PHRE 5003 – High Performance Training Movement Pattern: Whole Body Target: Transverse Abdominus Synergist(s): Deltoids (Anterior), Quadriceps, Quadratus Lumborum
Regressions: Progressions:

Equipment: Kettlebell
  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent.
  2. Raise a dumbbell/kettle overhead with one hand.
  3. Keep your arm fully extended, making sure the elbow is locked out and the shoulder blade is packed.
    • You should not be shrugging your shoulder up by your ear.
  4. Once you are comfortable with your packed shoulder position and upright in your posture, begin to walk.
  5. Walk for recommended number of steps or time. Switch arms each set.
Common Error(s): Not engaging core
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