Phone Verification Exercise Database

Course: PHRE 3044 – Special Populations Movement Pattern: Single-joint | isolation Target: Hip Adductors Synergist(s):
Regressions: Progressions:

Key Teaching Points Expectation: [if 456 equals=”Supervised Practice”]Supervised Practice [/if 456][if 456 not_equal=”Supervised Practice”]Independent Learning[/if 456] [579]

1. Seated upright at front edge of chair with feet secure on floor.

2. Place appropriately sized stability ball between the knee/thighs.

3. In a controlled manner squeeze inwards (i.e. bring knees together) by engaging hip adductors.

4. Slowly release and repeat.  Caution:  allow a few lower intensity sets to warm-up the groin area before increasing intensity.

Common Error(s):

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