Phone Verification Exercise Database

Course: PHRE 1033 – Fitness Evaluation Movement Pattern: Lower Body Target: Quadriceps Synergist(s):
Regressions: Progressions:

Key Teaching Points Expectation: [if 456 equals=”Supervised Practice”]Supervised Practice [/if 456][if 456 not_equal=”Supervised Practice”]Independent Learning[/if 456] [579]


  • Complete client prescreening
  • Calculate 85% of client’s HR max and divide by 4 to get that data in a 15s count for easy comparison
  • Have your loading for workload #2 chart handy with the heart rates converted to 15s count for easy comparison.
  • Explain purpose of test
  • Instruct the client to maintain a cadence of 50 rpm
  • Explain that each stage will be approximately 3 minutes long, and they will get progressively harder
  • Explain to the client that each minute you will get their heart rate and you will start to prepare for that at about 20 seconds to the minute.
  • Explain the purpose of the BORG scale and let the client know that you will ask for that information for each stage
  • Remind your client that you will be watching for their safety, but they should let you know if they feel pain or if they need to stop the test for any reason
  • Instruct client to begin cycling at 50 rpm
  • Set the cycle ergometer to 0.5 KP (25 Watts) for the first workload

During Exercise

  • Monitor client
  • Properly encourage client
  • Help client keep accurate cadence
  • Accurately obtain heart rate each minute and RPE each stage
  • Use a fourth minute for a workload when steady state is not achieved (compare minutes 2 and 3)
  • Use the chart and appropriately change the resistance for workload #2
  • Increase the resistance for each subsequent workload by 25Watts or 0.5 KP when the client is cycling at 50 rpm
  • Complete a minimum of 3 workloads with two workloads within the appropriate zone (110 bpm – 85% HRmax)
  • Stop assessment when appropriate


  • Provide active recovery (easy cycling or walking) for 3-5minutes
  • Check HR every minute for 3-5 minutes
  • Have your client sit for at least 3-5 minutes
  • Check HR every minute
  • Check BP on minute 1 and 3 (and possibly 5)
  • Ensure HR and BP are below ceiling values
Common Error(s):

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