Weight – Zero the scales before the client steps onto them, making sure the scale is sitting on a flat surface. | 1
Weight – Ask the client to remove shoes, any ‘heavy’ items from their pockets (key’s, wallets etc) and remove any heavy items of clothing | 1
Weight – When measuring weight ask client to look straight ahead and stay still on the scales. Record weight to nearest 0.1 kg | 1
Height – Ask your client to remove their shoes prior to taking the measurement | 1
Height – Remember to raise the anthropometer arm before starting the test | 1
Height – Instruct your client to stand as erect as possible, before taking the measurement, instruct the client to take a deep breath and hold until the measurement has been taken | 1
Height – Lower the measuring device until it rests gently on the top of your clients head and record the measurement (to the nearest 0.5 cm) | 1
BMI – correctly calculate BMI | 2
BMI – correctly establish health category| 1
BMI – correctly explain to client whether they should be concerned | 5
Weight – Zero the scales before the client steps onto them, making sure the scale is sitting on a flat surface. | 1
Weight – Ask the client to remove shoes, any ‘heavy’ items from their pockets (key’s, wallets etc) and remove any heavy items of clothing | 1
Weight – When measuring weight ask client to look straight ahead and stay still on the scales. Record weight to nearest 0.1 kg | 1
WC – Place yourself off to one side of client’s mid-section | 1
WC – Place measuring tape around waist (smallest girth around the abdomen), ensure client is not wearing bulky clothes | 1
WC – Apply tension to the tape so that it fits snugly around the body, but does not compress the skin or body fat | 2
WC – Align the tape so that it runs horizontal (parallel to the floor) and not diagonal | 1
WC – At the end of a normal expiration, record measurement to nearest 0.5 cm | 2
Health risk – correctly establish health category| 1
Health risk – correctly explain to client whether they should be concerned | 4
Have the client stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed forward | 1
Have the client grasp the dowel in both hands and place it on top of head so shoulders and elbows are at 90 degrees. Have the client press the dowel so that it is directly above your head | 1
Instruct the client to maintain an upright torso, keep heels and dowel in position, and descend into a squat as deeply as possible. Instruct the client to hold the bottom position for a count of one, and then return to the starting position | 1
Make appropriate corrections to set-up between movement reps. Eventually may need to regress to elevating client’s heels | 1
Provide appropriate rationale for the score and submit at correct data sheet (Screen for pain (score of zero))| 1
Corrective exercise 1 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Corrective exercise 2 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Describe each exercise (i.e., set-up, posture, movement pattern) (a demonstration is not needed, but could help here) | 1
Have the client try each exercise (reps to ensure understanding and correct errors) | 1
Explain expectations regarding load expectations, core engagement, and breathing for each exercise | 1
Have client stand tall with feet together and toes touching the test kit, with hurdle step at height of client’s tibial tuberosity | 1
Have the client grasp the dowel in both hands and place it on top of head so shoulders and elbows are at 90 degrees. Have the client to maintain hand position and lower dowel to the base of the neck and across the shoulders | 1
Instruct the client to keep an upright torso, raise the right leg and step over the hurdle, making sure to raise the foot towards the shin and maintain foot alignment vertically with the ankle, knee and hip. Instruct the client to touch the floor with heel and return to the starting position while maintaining the same alignment | 1
Make appropriate corrections to set-up between movement reps | 1
Provide appropriate rationale for the score and submit at correct data sheet (Screen for pain (score of zero))| 1
Corrective exercise 1 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Corrective exercise 2 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Describe each exercise (i.e., set-up, posture, movement pattern) (a demonstration is not needed, but could help here) | 1
Have the client try each exercise (reps to ensure understanding and correct errors) | 1
Explain expectations regarding load expectations, core engagement, and breathing for each exercise | 1
Have client step onto the center of the board with the right foot toe on the zero mark and left foot placed according to tibial measurement.Help client get both toes facing forward and balanced in position | 1
After client’s feet are in place, assist them in holding dowel with contralateral elbow (to forward leg) high.Instruct the client to have the dowel along the spine so it touches the back of head, upper back and tailbone | 1
Instruct client to maintain an upright posture so the dowel stays straight and in conact on head, back, and tailbone, descend into a lunge position so knee touches the centre of the board then return to starting position | 1
Make appropriate corrections to set-up between movement reps | 1
Provide appropriate rationale for the score and submit at correct data sheet (Screen for pain (score of zero))| 1
Corrective exercise 1 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Corrective exercise 2 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Describe each exercise (i.e., set-up, posture, movement pattern) (a demonstration is not needed, but could help here) | 1
Have the client try each exercise (reps to ensure understanding and correct errors) | 1
Explain expectations regarding load expectations, core engagement, and breathing for each exercise | 1
Measure the length of the client’s hand and have client stand tall with feet together, arms hanging comfortably in fits | 1
Instruct client to (in one motion), reach the right first over the head and down back as far as possible while simultaneously reach left first up your back as far as possible. Instruct client not to creep hands closer after the initial placement. Measure the distance between fists | 1
Make appropriate corrections to set-up between movement reps | 1
Have client complete clearing test (shoulder impingement) with both arms following movement. Screen for pain from clearing test (+ or -)| 1
Provide appropriate rationale for the score and submit at correct data sheet (Screen for pain (score of zero))| 1
Corrective exercise 1 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Corrective exercise 2 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Describe each exercise (i.e., set-up, posture, movement pattern) (a demonstration is not needed, but could help here) | 1
Have the client try each exercise (reps to ensure understanding and correct errors) | 1
Explain expectations regarding load expectations, core engagement, and breathing for each exercise | 1
Have client lie flat with the back of knees against the board, feet together with toes pointing up. Have client place both arms next to body with the palms facing up| 1
Hold dowel vertically half-way between client’s ASIS and crease in their knee (measure distance and find half-way) | 1
Instruct client to keep knees extended and toes pointing up throughout movement pattern. Instruct client to raise the scoring leg as high as possible while keeping the opposite knee in contact with the FMS board | 1
Make appropriate corrections to set-up between movement reps | 1
Provide appropriate rationale for the score and submit at correct data sheet (Screen for pain (score of zero))| 1
Corrective exercise 1 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Corrective exercise 2 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Describe each exercise (i.e., set-up, posture, movement pattern) (a demonstration is not needed, but could help here) | 1
Have the client try each exercise (reps to ensure understanding and correct errors) | 1
Explain expectations regarding load expectations, core engagement, and breathing for each exercise | 1
Have client get their thumbs in line with forehead (men) or chin (women), shoulder-width apart, legs together, toes pulled to ground, extend their knees and lift elbows slightly off the ground | 1
Instruct client to maintain a rigid torso, push body as one unit into a push-up position | 1
Make appropriate corrections to set-up between movement reps. Eventually may need to move thumbs down to chin (men) or clavicle (women) | 1
Have client complete clearing test (spinal extension) following movement and screen for pain from clearing test (+ or -)| 1
ProvideProvide appropriate rationale for the score and submit at correct data sheet (Screen for pain (score of zero))| 1
Corrective exercise 1 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Corrective exercise 2 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Describe each exercise (i.e., set-up, posture, movement pattern) (a demonstration is not needed, but could help here) | 1
Have the client try each exercise (reps to ensure understanding and correct errors) | 1
Explain expectations regarding load expectations, core engagement, and breathing for each exercise | 1
Have client get into quadruped position, get their thumbs, knees and toes in contact the sides of the board, and have them pull their toes toward the floor | 1
Instruct client to simultaneously lift right hand and right leg into a straight line.Instruct client to touch elbow and knee directly over board and re-extend into straight line (without rolling at shoulders or hips) | 1
Make appropriate corrections to set-up between movement reps. Eventually may need to regress to bilateral movement | 1
Have client complete clearing test (spinal flexion) following movement and screen for pain (+ or -)| 1
Provide appropriate rationale for the score and submit at correct data sheet (Screen for pain (score of zero))| 1
Corrective exercise 1 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Corrective exercise 2 appropriate for movement pattern | 1
Describe each exercise (i.e., set-up, posture, movement pattern) (a demonstration is not needed, but could help here) | 1
Have the client try each exercise (reps to ensure understanding and correct errors) | 1
Explain expectations regarding load expectations, core engagement, and breathing for each exercise | 1
Review stance and establish comfortable width | 1
Discuss knee tracking and optimal range-of-motion | 1
Screen un- or minimally-loaded squat mechanics | 1
Install J-hooks 1-2″ below client upper traps | 1
Install safety arms 3-4″ below the bottom position of client’s squat | 1
Ensure safety arms are fastened correctly and pointing in correct direction |1
Review safe spotting/failing safely | 1
Establish effective working load, have client complete at least 8-12 reps | 1
Demonstrate safe spotting for squats|1
Assist client getting bar re-racked | 1
Ensure proper placement of bench in rack | 1
Install J-hooks at proper height |1
Review bench press grip | 1
Discuss impact of grip width | 1
Discuss foot placement |1
Explain target ROM |1
Review safe spotting for bench | 1
Establish appropriate working load, have client complete additional 8-12 reps | 1
Have client demonstrate deadlift for 8-12 reps | 1
Teach client how to use straps while deadlifting | 1
Have client complete 1 set (8 – 12 reps) using straps | 1
Smooth and assured consent during the session | 1
Client feet flat on floor, ear pieces forward in stethoscope | 1
Stethoscope over sternum or second intercostal space on left OR index and middle finger on wrist at base of thumb | 1
Use 15s count to obtain correct reading (+/- 1 of examiner) | 1
Multiply reading to obtain correct HR in bpm | 1
Correctly identify ceiling value for postponing exercise (after second reading) | 1
Cuff on bare left upper arm, 2-3 cm above elbow crease | 1
Cuff tight enough so that two fingertips can be slipped under edge but it isn’t falling down | 1
Arrow/line at brachial artery | 1
Index and middle finger on radial pulse, inflate cuff 20-30 mmHg above the point where pulse is gone | 1
Place stethoscope over brachial artery, completely in contact with skin, not tucked into cuff | 1
Fully release pressure at appropriate pace (2mmHg/second) | 1
Record blood pressure to the nearest 2 mmHg (+/- 4 of examiner) | 1
Correctly identify ceiling values for hypertension >140/90 | 1
Correctly identify ceiling values for postponing exercise (after second reading) >160/90 OR <80/50 | 1
Exercise 1 appropriate for case (Medicine Ball Deadlift, Dowel Deadlift or Plank or Bird Dog, or Belly Push-Up) | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 1 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 1 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Exercise 2 appropriate for the case (see above) | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 2 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 2 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Exercise 1 appropriate for case (Wiper T-Spine Mobility, Pec Minor Stretch/Lacrosse Ball, Wall Slide Shoulder Press, or YTWL) | 1
Exercise 1 correct rationale provided (Stretch pec minor and improve scapular retractors to improve posture and diminish crush site, enhance t-spine mobility as tight pec minor and scalene muscles attach to ribs to diminish crush site) | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 1 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 1 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Exercise 2 appropriate for the case (see above) | 1
Exercise 2 correct rationale provided (see above) | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 2 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 2 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Demonstrated ongoing consent (i.e. asked client if they were o.k. with proceeding) | 1
Ongoing check for pain / discomfort | 1
Rationale and approach above + exceeded standard | 1
Assessment 1 appropriate for case (Tandem Gait, Tandem Balance, Single Leg Balance) | 1
Assessment 1 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Assessment 1 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed the assessment 1 protocol properly | 1
Adjustments for assessment 1 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction) | 1
Assessment 2 appropriate for the case (see above) | 1
Assessment 2 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Assessment 2 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed the assessment 2 protocol properly | 1
Adjustments for assessment 2 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction) | 1
Demonstrate grip strength assessment, highlighting correct/incorrect form | 1
Adjust dynamometer to client’s 2nd joint | 1
Instruct client to hold forearm at thigh level and not touch the dynamometer to their body or anything else | 1
Instruct client to concentrate on a marker on the wall, exhale, and squeeze maximally | 1
Repeat twice on each hand, alternating each time, recording correct scores to the nearest 1kg | 1
Determine correct HBR for grip strength | 1
Demonstrate correct push-up assessment protocol, highlighting correct/incorrect form | 1
Instruct client to lie on stomach with legs together, hands pointed forward under shoulders, appropriate pivot point for the client | 1
Instruct client to focus on floor, extend arms fully in each push-up, and chin touches the mat | 1
Explain to client when assessment will stop and ensure they do not have any questions/concerns about test | 1
Count correct push-ups out loud and stop test when appropriate | 1
Determine correct HBR for push-up | 1
Include teaching point | 1
Include teaching point | 1
Include teaching point | 1
Demonstrate the sit and reach assessment, highlighting correct/incorrect form | 1
Instruct client to remove shoes and have them do the modified hurdler stretch 2x per leg for 80s total | 1
Pull the ruler out to 26cm, instruct the client to lower his/her head, exhale while sliding fingers across the ruler with arms fully extended and index fingers together | 1
Instruct the client to stretch slowly (no bouncing), don’t flex the knees, and hold the stretch for 2s | 1
Have client complete two trials, correct form if necessary between trials, record correct score to the nearest 0.5 cm | 1
Determine the correct HBR for sit and reach | 1
Demonstrate the vertical jump assessment, highlighting correct/incorrect form | 1
Record client’s correct stand in reach in inches (or feet and inches) | 1
Instruct client to jump from a semi-squat position, arms down and back, ensure they know not to use momentum (jump from a paused semi-squat position) | 1
Allow client three trials with 10-15s between jumps, recording correct scores | 1
Between jumps assess discomfort, attempt to correct form when necessary, answer client questions | 1
Properly subtract stand and reach height from highest jump and know how to do the math to convert jump height to cm | 1
Include teaching point | 1
Include teaching point | 1
Include teaching point | 1
Have client complete back extension pre-screening task and assess pain | 1
Set the client up so that his/her iliac crest is aligned with the edge of the riser, and that legs are secured not on joint | 1
Ensure client is clear on when the assessment will stop | 1
Instruct client to concentrate on the floor, cross arms over chest and assist him/her to raise chest to 180 degrees | 1
Stop test when appropriate and record correct score | 1
Have client rest in the recovery position while the correct HBR is determined | 1
Demonstrate one leg stance assessment, highlighting correct/incorrect form | 1
Instruct client to remove his/her shoes | 1
Instruct client to cross arms over chest, focus on a marker on the wall, and let them know that the time will start when he/she lifts leg | 1
Ensure client understands when the test will stop | 1
Allow client one trial on each foot with eyes open and one with eyes closed, recording correct scores to 0.1 s | 1
Determine correct above/below mean rating | 1
Include teaching point | 1
Include teaching point | 1
Include teaching point | 1
Ensure client has a step(s) to safely get into/out of exercise | 1
Explain benefits/drawbacks of pronated grip | 1
Explain benefits/drawbacks to neutral or supinated grip | 1
Describe the target ROM | 1
Evaluate client ability to complete at least 5 BW repetitions | 1
Discuss the impact of a using a band assist |1
Install band assist correctly | 1
Assist client getting band correctly placed around one knee | 1
Having client complete a set of 8-10 reps|1
Assist client in getting out of band | 1
Exercise 1 appropriate for case (Ankle Eversion, Foot Alphabet, Bosu Balance, or Lateral Hop) | 1
Exercise 1 correct rationale provided (Strengthened injured/weakened everters, restore ROM after immobilization and ligament scar down, restoration of confidence and proprioceptive feedback, reduce balance risk and issues) | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 1 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 1 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Exercise 2 appropriate for the case (see above) | 1
Exercise 2 correct rationale provided (see above) | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 2 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 2 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Demonstrated ongoing consent (i.e. asked client if they were o.k. with proceeding) | 1
Ongoing check for pain / discomfort | 1
Rationale and approach above + exceeded standard | 1
Exercise 1 appropriate for case (Soleus Stretch, Toe Raises, Towel Scrunches, Clam Shells, Bridge or Bosu Balance) | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 1 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 1 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Exercise 2 appropriate for the case (see above) | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration safe and appropriate | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 2 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 2 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Exercise 1 appropriate for case (Single Leg Bridge, Bobbing/Drinking Bird, Tuck Jump, Agility Cones) | 1
Exercise 1 correct rationale provided (If ACL has not been repaired then clients must learn to co-contract hamstrings during quad dominate movements for knee stability, ACL injuries often occur in valgus knee position during dynamic pivot – practice avoiding this positing during dynamic movements) | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 1 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 1 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Exercise 2 appropriate for the case (see above) | 1
Exercise 2 correct rationale provided (see above) | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 2 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 2 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Demonstrated ongoing consent (i.e. asked client if they were o.k. with proceeding) | 1
Ongoing check for pain / discomfort | 1
Rationale and approach above + exceeded standard | 1
Exercise 1 appropriate for case (Hip Hike, Hip Abduction Wall Hold or Squat, Corrective Step Up) | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 1 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 1 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Exercise 2 appropriate for the case (see above) | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration met minimal standard| 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 2 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 2 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Exercise 1 appropriate for case (Belly Press, Shoulder ER Side Lying, Shoulder ER and IR arm at side and 90 degrees) | 1
Exercise 1 correct rationale provided (Subscapularis may have been injured – must regain strength, Recurring instability do to ligamentous damage can be countered by the rotator cuff muscles helping to stabilize the GH joint) | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 1 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 1 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Exercise 2 appropriate for the case (see above) | 1
Exercise 2 correct rationale provided (see above) | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 2 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 2 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Demonstrated ongoing consent (i.e. asked client if they were o.k. with proceeding) | 1
Ongoing check for pain / discomfort | 1
Rationale and approach above + exceeded standard | 1
Exercise 1 appropriate for case (Shoulder pendulums, Scapulohumeral Rhythm Press, Scapular Pushup, Retraction Shrugs) | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 1 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 1 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Exercise 2 appropriate for the case (see above) | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 2 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 2 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Exercise 1 appropriate for case (Wrist flexor stretch, Wrist circles, Wrest Extensors, Wrist Hammer Twists (supinators) | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 1 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 1 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 1 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Exercise 2 appropriate for the case (see above) | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration met minimal standard | 1
Exercise 2 set up and demonstration included above + more detail / higher standard | 1
Client completed at least 10 reps (or 10 second hold) for exercise 2 safely and properly | 1
Adjustments for exercise 2 were made where necessary (spotting, form correction, progression or regression) | 1
Use table #1 for correct starting stage, calculate 85% of HR max (in 10s count), and correctly use CSEP mCAFT data collection sheet | 1
Orient client to the equipment, demonstrate stepping sequence while highlighting desired test form | 1
Explain progressively challenging 3 minute stages, explain when and how HR will be collected, explain purpose of HR | 1
Instruct client to place full foot on step, both feet on top step, keep good posture, to walk (not run), and have client focus on a marker on the wall | 1
Have client practice without and with music, no more than 2 times each while chanting step-step-up; step-step-down | 1
Explain the BORG scale and collect RPE data each stage | 1
Prior to starting test, ensure client has no questions/concerns and remind him/her to let you know if they feel pain or want to stop at any time | 1
Monitor client, actively help maintain cadence, and properly encouage client throughout test (i.e., good job but not keep going) | 1
Accurately obtain HR data (+/-1) between each stage | 1
Stop test when appropriate (i.e., sign of intolerance or able to get accurate aerobic fitness data from test) | 1
Provide appropriate active recovery (3+ minutes), collecting HR every min | 1
Provide appropriate passive recovery, collecting correct HR and BP readings | 1
Include teaching point | 1
Include teaching point | 1
Include teaching point | 1
Chose appropriate fitness assessment for client and gather necessary data to predict VO2max from assessment| 1
Explain intensity of warm-up and workload and complete necessary calculations (50%, 70%, 85%)| 1
Have an effective conversation to determine a suitable starting speed for client’s warm-up and workload | 1
Orient client to the equipment, ensure comfort with equipment (including HR monitor and RPE scale)| 1
Explain the RPE scale and collect RPE data when appropriate throughout assessment | 1
Prior to starting test, ensure client understands protocol and remind them to let you know if they feel pain or want to stop at any time | 1
Change intensity when appropriate (for and in warm-up) | 1
Change intensity when appropriate (for and in workload)| 1
Stop test when appropriate (i.e., sign of intolerance or able to get accurate aerobic fitness data from test) and provide adequate recovery | 1
Gather enough information to draft starting CV training program for client | 1
Chose appropriate fitness assessment for client and gather necessary data to predict VO2max from assessment| 1
Explain intensity of warm-up and workload and complete necessary calculations (85% HRmax) | 1
Ensure client is wearing a HR monitor, explain when and how HR will be collected | 1
Orient client to the equipment, ensure comfort with equipment (how to stop, proper set- up) and instruct client to maintain cadence of 50 RPM | 1
Prior to starting test, ensure client understands protocol and remind them to let you know if they feel pain or want to stop at any time | 1
Explain the RPE scale and collect RPE data when appropriate throughout assessment | 1
Use correct intensity for each stage| 1
Increase intensity within 15s of appropriate minute for each stage (i.e., SS after 3 minutes or after 4 minutes and maintain test time)| 1
Stop test when appropriate (i.e., sign of intolerance or able to get accurate aerobic fitness data from test), did not lose time in the test (i.e., client was not on bike for longer than necessary) | 1
Gather enough information to draft starting CV training program for client | 1
Have the client stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointed forward | 1
Have the client grasp the dowel in both hands and place it on top of head so shoulders and elbows are at 90 degrees | 1
Have the client press the dowel so that it is directly above head | 1
Instruct the client to maintain an upright torso, keep heels and dowel in position, and descend into a squat as deeply as possible | 1
Instruct the client to hold the bottom position for a count of one, and then return to the starting position | 1
Make appropriate corrections to set-up between movement reps. Eventually may need to regress to elevating client’s heels | 1
Screen for pain (score of zero) and provide an appropriate score for movement | 1
Stand with head, upper back, and tailbone pressed firmly against a wall | 1
With shoulders depressed and scapula retracted, place forearms against the wall at 90 degrees | 1
Have client press arms overhead until they reach full extension or forearms come off wall | 1
Screen for pain (score of zero) and provide an appropriate score for second movement | 1
Assisst client into pushup position with forearms on ground | 1
Have client squeeze glutes, tighten abdominals, keep a neutral neck and spine | 1
Instruct client to keep that strong line from head to toe for as long as possible | 1
Screen for pain and provide an appropriate score for movement | 1
Have client step onto the center of the board with the right foot toe on the zero mark and left foot placed according to tibial measurement | 1
Help client get both toes facing forward and balanced in position | 1
After client’s feet are in place, assist them in holding dowel with contralateral elbow (to forward leg) high | 1
Instruct the client to have the dowel along the spine so it touches the back of head, upper back and tailbone | 1
Instruct client to maintain an upright posture so the dowel stays straight and in contact on head, back, and tailbone, descend into a lunge position so knee touches the center of the board then return to starting position | 1
Make appropriate corrections to set-up between movement reps | 1
Screen for pain (score of zero) and provide an appropriate score for movement | 1
Assist client in grasping the dowel with hand in lower back and hand behind neck. Dowel in tight contact with tailbone, upper back, and head | 1
Instruct client to perform hip hinge with dowel remaining in contact (at locations) as far as possible | 1
Record loss of contact, readjust between trials, coach hinge if necessary | 1
Screen for pain (score of zero) and provide an appropriate score for second movement | 1
Assisst client into pushup position with forearms on ground | 1
Have client squeeze glutes, tighten abdominals, keep a neutral neck and spine | 1
Instruct client to keep that strong line from head to toe for as long as possible | 1
Screen for pain and provide an appropriate score for movement | 1
Chose appropriate fitness assessment for client and gather necessary data to predict VO2max from assessment | 1