Lab 10: Lab Exam Practice

Lab Overview
Learning Objectives

  1. Review key components of lab rubric
Lab Tasks

In this week’s lab, you will:

  1. Complete 1 exercise teaching practice for the lower body movements
  2. Complete 1 exercise teaching practice for the upper body or core movements

Lab 9: Upper Body and Core

Lab Overview
Learning Objectives

  1. Learn the teaching points for the push-up
  2. Learn the teaching points for the inverted row
  3. Learn the teaching points for the bird dog
  4. Learn the teaching points for the plank
  5. Learn the teaching points for the McGill Crunch
Lab Tasks

In this lab you are expected to:

  1. Practice teaching the technical section for a push-up
  2. Practice teaching the technical section for the inverted row
  3. Practice teaching the technical section for the bird dog
  4. Practice teaching the technical section for the plank
  5. Practice teaching the technical section for McGill Crunch

Lab 8: Lower Body

Lab Overview
Learning Objectives

  1. Learn the teaching points for the goblet squat, and associated stretches.
  2. Learn the teaching points for the split squat, and associated stretches.
  3. Learn the teaching points for the hip bridge, and associated stretches.
  4. Review the lab exam competencies
Lab Tasks

In this lab you will:

  1. Practice teaching the technical section of the goblet squat
  2. Practice teaching the technical section of the split squat
  3. Practice teaching the technical section of the hip bridge

Lab 6: Group Exercise Class

Lab Overview
Learning Objectives

  1. This week is a catch-up week during regular lab hours. If you have missed a lab(s) from earlier in the course, you’ll have an opportunity to go through the material.
  2. If you are up-to-date on your lab material, then this is a good week to complete part of your experiential hours by exploring the fitness class offerings at the Wellness Centre
  3. Monitor exercise intensity/effort during a class
Lab Tasks

Your task this week is to participate in an aerobics based group exercise classes offered at the student wellness centre:

  1. Monitor your HR and RPE every 5 minutes, record the highest values experienced
  2. Calculate your average HR for the workout class
  3. Get your class instructor to sign off on your attendance using your data collection sheet.
    • N.B. Typed signatures are not acceptable.

Lab 5: Steady State Cardio

Lab Overview
Learning Objectives

  1. Review HR training zones
  2. Calculate HR training zones based on max HR
  3. Compare and contrast RPE to measured HR
Lab Tasks

In this week’s lab, you will:

  1. Calculate HR training zones for both moderate (60-70%) and vigorous (70-80%)
  2. With one student acting as a data recorder and the other as the client, have the client perform 18-21 minutes of cardio attempting to maintaining your HR in the moderate range.
  3. Switch partners

Lab 3: Health Screening

Lab Overview
Learning Objectives

  1. Review the Get Active Questionnaire
  2. Learn how to measure HR with a heart rate monitor
  3. Learn how to measure blood pressure with an electronic blood pressure cuff
Lab Tasks

In this week’s lab, you need to:

  1. Complete a Get Active Questionnaire
  2. Measure your resting heart rate and enter it into your tracking sheet
  3. Measure your resting blood pressure and enter it into your tracking sheet

Lab 2: Height, Weight, Waist Circumference

Lab Overview
Learning Objectives

  1. Learn how to measure a client’s height
  2. Learn how to measure a client’s weight
  3. Learn how to measure a client’s waist circumference
  4. Learn how to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI)
Lab Tasks

For this lab, you will need to complete the following:

  1. Measure your partner’s (and have a partner measure your): height, weight and waist circumference
  2. Input your height, weight and waist circumference into your data tracking sheet
  3. Calculate your BMI and input it into your data tracking sheet

Lab 7: Peer Evaluation and Lab Rubric

Lab Overview
Learning Objectives

  1. Review the components of effective pre-screening questions
  2. Learn the elements of the lab rubric
Lab Tasks

Working as a group of 3 or 4 students, complete the following sections of the lab rubric:

  1. Introduction
  2. Technical (the communication components only)
  3. Closing

You will serve as the trainer once, a client once and the peer-reviewer once or twice.