PHRE 3044 – Special Populations

This course focuses on adaptive exercise techniques for a variety of populations (i.e. children, pregnancy, older adults, disabilities, and chronic disease). Students will learn how to modify exercises and/or equipment to effectively and safely accommodate these groups.

Target population: Various

  • Course Instructor: Tim Rush
  • Lab Instructor: Sarah King
  • Lab Technician: Jasmine Collins, Christian Cassie, Rachel Quinn
  • Semester: Three

Lab Sections:

  • Section 1: Wednesday 12 – 2 PM
  • Section 2: Thursday 4- 6 PM
  • Section 3: Friday 1 – 3 PM
  • Section 4: Monday 4 – 6 PM
Lab Competencies
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Lab Schedule
Course: PHRE 3044 - Special PopulationsMovement Pattern: SquatTarget: QuadricepsSynergist(s): Gluteals, Hamstrings
Regressions:Box Squat | TRX Assisted SquatProgressions: Back Squat | Goblet Squat

Key Teaching PointsExpectation: [if 456 equals="Supervised Practice"]Supervised Practice [/if 456][if 456 not_equal="Supervised Practice"]Independent Learning[/if 456][579]

Either place a ball in the small of your lower back (or have a partner do it for you), then step into position. Standing with feet approximately shoulder width apart, feet far enough forward so that when you are at the bottom of the squat, knees aren't dramatically past the toes.

Holding a dumbbell in both hands, sit backwards into a squat until your hips break parallel and your knees are bent below 90 degrees. Ensure that you keep: 1) your torso erect and 2) your weight on the heels of your feet. Pause at the bottom of the squat then pushing off your heels, return back to the starting position.

Try to avoid having client lean backwards into the ball too aggressively. The ball is to provide a small amount of assistance in helping the client keep their torso erect.

Common Error(s): Torso collapses forward | Not engaging core
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