PHRE 3044 – Special Populations

This course focuses on adaptive exercise techniques for a variety of populations (i.e. children, pregnancy, older adults, disabilities, and chronic disease). Students will learn how to modify exercises and/or equipment to effectively and safely accommodate these groups.

Target population: Various

  • Course Instructor: Tim Rush
  • Lab Instructor: Sarah King
  • Lab Technician: Jasmine Collins, Christian Cassie, Rachel Quinn
  • Semester: Three

Lab Sections:

  • Section 1: Wednesday 12 – 2 PM
  • Section 2: Thursday 4- 6 PM
  • Section 3: Friday 1 – 3 PM
  • Section 4: Monday 4 – 6 PM
Lab Competencies
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Lab Schedule
Course: PHRE 3043 - Functional MovementMovement Pattern: Core | rotationTarget: ObliquesSynergist(s): Deltoid (Posterior), Transverse Abdominus

Key Teaching PointsExpectation: [if 456 equals="Supervised Practice"]Supervised Practice [/if 456][if 456 not_equal="Supervised Practice"]Independent Learning[/if 456][579]

This exercise can be done half kneeling, tall kneeling, or standing (split or straight stance).

High-to Low Set up

Grasp handle or rope from shoulder height cable pulley (or slightly higher). Feet should be positioned slightly wider than shoulder width, with a slight bend in the knees. Turn towards cable stack until outside arm is nearly extended straight.


Keeping outside arm straight and core engaged, pull handle/rope diagonally downward around shoulders by rotating torso and gradually lowering arms downward. In order to allow rotation to happen, pivot on your back foot (foot closest to cable stack), allowing hips to turn. Bring the handle down towards hip height, which should require a slight bend of the knees. Slowly return the handle/rope to original position and repeat for desired number of repetitions. Continue with opposite side.


Set the cable stack to a low position near the bottom of the stack. Starting with feet a little wider than shoulder width and knees slightly bent, grasp handle and extend your outside arm.


Keeping outside arm straight and core engaged, pull handle/rope diagonally upwards around your body by rotating torso, ensuring you are actively involving the muscles of the legs and hips. In order to allow rotation to happen, pivot on your back foot (foot closest to cable stack), allowing hips to turn. Keep your arms extended throughout the motion (particularly the outside arm), bring the handle up to shoulder-height. Slowly return the handle/rope to original position (by maintaining a wide arc) and repeat for desired number of repetitions. Continue with opposite side

Common Error(s): Not engaging core
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