PHRE 3044 – Special Populations

This course focuses on adaptive exercise techniques for a variety of populations (i.e. children, pregnancy, older adults, disabilities, and chronic disease). Students will learn how to modify exercises and/or equipment to effectively and safely accommodate these groups.

Target population: Various

  • Course Instructor: Tim Rush
  • Lab Instructor: Sarah King
  • Lab Technician: Jasmine Collins, Christian Cassie, Rachel Quinn
  • Semester: Three

Lab Sections:

  • Section 1: Wednesday 12 – 2 PM
  • Section 2: Thursday 4- 6 PM
  • Section 3: Friday 1 – 3 PM
  • Section 4: Monday 4 – 6 PM
Lab Competencies
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Lab Schedule
Course: PHRE 3045 - Sports InjuriesMovement Pattern: Single-joint | isolationTarget: GlutealsSynergist(s):

Key Teaching PointsExpectation: [if 456 equals="Supervised Practice"]Supervised Practice [/if 456][if 456 not_equal="Supervised Practice"]Independent Learning[/if 456][579]
  1. Assume side lying position with 30 degrees knee flexion and upper elbow on floor.
  2. While keeping feet together separate at the knees.  Resist the tendency to want to move at the hips and instead make sure all movement is coming from the gluts.
  3. Try placing your clients hand over the Glut med muscle so they can focus on engaging this muscle to initiate the movement.
  4. Rather than adding band resistance around the knees progress movement by placing the upper leg into more hip extension which should further engage the glut med muscle.
  5. Make sure movement is pain free.  Stop immediately if deep hip pain.
Common Error(s): Inappropriate momentum
Spotting: Mirror Client Level
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