PHRE 3045 – Sports Injuries

This course focuses on post injury prevention and reconditioning exercises for clients that have had or are at risk of having an athletic (sports) related injury. Functional anatomy, postural evaluation and muscle imbalances will be used to develop exercise strategies for common sports related injuries.

Target population:

  • Course Instructor: Tim Rush
  • Lab Technician:
  • Semester: Four

Lab Sections:

  • Section 1:
  • Section 2:
  • Section 3:
  • Section 4:
Lab Competencies
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Lab Schedule
Course: PHRE 3045 - Sports InjuriesMovement Pattern: Core | stabilizationTarget: GlutealsSynergist(s): Hip Abductors, Quadratus Lumborum

Key Teaching PointsExpectation: [if 456 equals="Supervised Practice"]Supervised Practice [/if 456][if 456 not_equal="Supervised Practice"]Independent Learning[/if 456][579]
  1. Standing upright with your side against.
  2. Lift your inside leg to 90 degrees knee flexion.
  3. Establish a neutral hip/pelvis and foot/ankle/knee posture.  Resist the dropping of the elevated hip by performing a hip hike if necessary.
  4. Place a foam roller between your lateral knee and the wall.
  5. By engaging hip abductors and glut muscles push into the wall with the outside of your thigh and hold the contraction until form is lost or fatigue is felt (approx. 15-30 seconds).
Common Error(s): Trendelenburg Hip Drop
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