PHRE 5003 – High Performance Training for Sport

This course focuses on training strategies and tools appropriate for athletic populations. In particular, students will learn: 1-RM strength testing, Wingate protocols, Tabata training, snatch progressions, clean progressions, plyometrics.

Target population: Athletes, advanced clients

  • Course Instructor: Graeme Thomas
  • Lab Technician:
  • Semester: Four

Lab Sections:

  • Section 1: Thursday 8 – 10 AM
  • Section 2: Friday 10 – 12 PM
  • Section 3: Thursday 10 – 12 PM
  • Section 4: Friday 12 – 2 PM

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Lab Schedule
Course: PHRE 3040 - Resistance TrainingMovement Pattern: Pull | verticalTarget: Latissimus DorsiSynergist(s): Biceps, Brachialis, Rhomboids
Regressions:Lat Pulldown | Assisted Chin UpsProgressions: Chin Ups | Pull Ups

Key Teaching PointsExpectation: [if 456 equals="Supervised Practice"]Supervised Practice [/if 456][if 456 not_equal="Supervised Practice"]Independent Learning[/if 456][579]
  1. Securely attach a heavy-duty band to a pull-up station, securing it around just one knee. The tension should be taut enough to pull that lower leg up. Grasp the bar with your preferred grip, and hang at full arm extension. This is your start position.
  2. Keeping your body straight, contract your biceps and lats to pull yourself up as high as you can, driving your elbows down.
  3. Slowly release to full arm extension. Repeat for the required number of repetitions and safely dismount from the apparatus.
Common Error(s): Inappropriate momentum | Not engaging core
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Lab Competencies
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