PHRE 5003 – High Performance Training for Sport

This course focuses on training strategies and tools appropriate for athletic populations. In particular, students will learn: 1-RM strength testing, Wingate protocols, Tabata training, snatch progressions, clean progressions, plyometrics.

Target population: Athletes, advanced clients

  • Course Instructor: Graeme Thomas
  • Lab Technician:
  • Semester: Four

Lab Sections:

  • Section 1: Thursday 8 – 10 AM
  • Section 2: Friday 10 – 12 PM
  • Section 3: Thursday 10 – 12 PM
  • Section 4: Friday 12 – 2 PM

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Lab Schedule
Course: PHRE 1033 - Fitness EvaluationMovement Pattern: Target: QuadricepsSynergist(s):

Key Teaching PointsExpectation: [if 456 equals="Supervised Practice"]Supervised Practice [/if 456][if 456 not_equal="Supervised Practice"]Independent Learning[/if 456][579]


  • Complete client prescreening
  • Strap a heart rate monitor on your client
  • Explain purpose of test
  • Discuss your client’s current experience with CV training to determine a starting speed for the treadmill.
  • Explain that the warm-up will be 3-4 minutes at no incline, followed by a short exercise session of jogging at no incline.
  • Explain that both the warm-up and jogging speed will be at a self-selected pace.
  • Explain the purpose of the BORG scale and let the client know that you will ask for that information a couple of times
  • Orient the client to the equipment
  • Remind your client that you will be watching for their safety, but they should let you know if they feel pain or if they need to stop the test for any reason
  • Start the treadmill at a comfortable speed for warm-up and have the client step on after the belt is moving.

During Exercise

  • Monitor client
  • Properly encourage client
  • Accurately obtain heart rate each minute during the warm-up and every 30 seconds during the workload
  • Record RPE once during the warm-up and once during the workload
  • Have your client warm-up to a HR of 50-70% of this HRmax
  • After the client feels warm, increase the speed to a self-selected jogging pace between 4.3 mph – 7.5 mph
  • Continue to monitor heart rate every 30 seconds for at least three full minutes of running
  • If the client has not reached a steady state heart rate after three minutes continue until SSHR is achieved.


  • Provide active recovery for 3-5minutes
  • Provide a passive recovery
  • Collect HR and BP information as necessary

Two equations, which for young adults tend to yield similar results, have been developed to predict aerobic fitness using this assessment:

  1. VO2max (mL/kg/min) = 54.07 + (7.062 × gender) − (0.1938 × kg) + (4.47 × mph) − (0.1453 × HR)
  • gender = 0=female and 1=male,
  • kg = body mass,
  • mph = self-selected jogging speed,
  • HR = steady-state heart rate (bpm) while jogging at level grade at the self-selected jogging speed
  1. VO2max (mL/kg/min) = 58.687 + (7.520 × gender) + (4.334 × mph) − (0.211 × kg) − (0.148 × HR) − (0.107 × Age)
  • gender = 0=female and 1=male,
  • mph = self-selected jogging speed,
  • kg = body mass,
  • HR = steady-state heart rate (bpm) while jogging at level grade at the self-selected jogging speed
  • age = age in years
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