Hip Extension Exercises

The hip bridge is an introductory movement that promotes strengthening the hips extensors. For the average, healthy adult, more advanced forms of hip bridging will be required.

  • Single-leg bridge
  • Hip bridge with feet elevated
  • Hip bridge on stability ball

Beginner: Cable Pull Through

Beginner: Single Leg Hip Bridge

Intermediate: Barbell Hip Thrust

Advanced: Kettlebell Swing 

Glute Stretch

Split Squat

Split Squat

Movement Pattern: Lunge Target: Quadriceps Synergist(s): Gluteals, Hamstrings
Regressions: Goblet Squat Progressions: Walking Lunge | Step Up
Key Teaching Points

Start by standing with torso erect (shoulders retracted), hands on hips or at sides for balance, one foot in front of the other.

Lower body by flexing knee and hip of front leg (weight should be focus on heel of lead foot) until knee of rear leg is almost in contact with floor. Pause and return to starting position, pushing off through the heel of the lead leg.

Common Error(s): Torso collapses forward

Lying Squad Stretch

Movement Pattern: Lower Body Target: Quadriceps Synergist(s):
Regressions: Progressions: Standing Quadriceps Stretch
Key Teaching Points

Have client lie on their side, with both legs extended. Bend the top leg, grasping the foot/ankle. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds, providing a gentle amount of resistance with your hand.

Remind client to avoid holding their breath and that all stretches should be held to the point of mild tension, but never pain.

Common Error(s):

Glute Stretch

Movement Pattern: Lower Body Target: Gluteals Synergist(s):
Regressions: Progressions:
Key Teaching Points

With client sitting on ground, extend one leg and cross the other over (with bent knee). With hand, gently pull knee towards chest and hold 20-30s.

Common Error(s):

Goblet Squat

The Goblet squat is an excellent screening/introductory movement for teaching proper squat mechanics.

Common Squat Teaching Points

  1. Instruct client to stand with feet approximately shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly out.
  2. Discuss the importance of maintaining as erect a torso as possible (neutral spine).
  3. Instruct client to keep knees aligned with toes (knees don't collapse in)
  4. Discuss target ROM (squat until knees are bent below 90 degrees)
  5. Cue client to keep weight back (e.g.: weight over ankles or more towards heels than toes)

By holding a weight in front the body, clients are able to concentrate on sitting back into the movement and go through a fairly complete ROM (with little to no stress on the lower back).

Goblet Squat

Movement Pattern: Squat Target: Quadriceps Synergist(s): Gluteals, Hip Adductors
Regressions: TRX Assisted Squat | Box Squat Progressions: Back Squat | Front Squat
Key Teaching Points

Standing with feet approximately shoulder width, toes pointed slightly out, grasp a dumbbell with both hands in front of chest. While keeping:

  1. Your torso erect (neutral spine)
  2. Your weight on the heels of your feet

Sit backwards until your hips break parallel and your knees are bent below 90 degrees. Pause at the bottom of the squat then pushing off your heels, return back to the starting position.

Common Error(s): Valgus knees

Lying Quad Stretch

Movement Pattern: Lower Body Target: Quadriceps Synergist(s):
Regressions: Progressions: Standing Quadriceps Stretch
Key Teaching Points

Have client lie on their side, with both legs extended. Bend the top leg, grasping the foot/ankle. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds, providing a gentle amount of resistance with your hand.

Remind client to avoid holding their breath and that all stretches should be held to the point of mild tension, but never pain.

Common Error(s):

Standing Quad Stretch

Movement Pattern: Lower Body Target: Quadriceps Synergist(s):
Regressions: Progressions:
Key Teaching Points

Have client stand, holding onto something secure for balance. Instruct client to bend one leg behind them, while attempting to grasp their foot/ankle. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds, providing a gentle amount of resistance with your hand.

Then repeat with other leg.

Remind client to avoid holding their breath and that all stretches should be held to the point of mild tension, but never pain.

Common Error(s):


Inclusive Language Interview – Older Adult

Susan is an 83 year old female.  Over the past two years Susan’s vision has worsened.  Last year she had a fall that left her bruised and concerned.  Her main goal is to improve her balance and functional strength in order to reduce the likelihood of falling.  She still lives alone in her home but does not drive.  Her son, with no medical training, often drops her off at appointments.  

Open Ended Question Ideas:

  • What brings you here today Susan? Follow Up - empathetic listening; I can imagine that must be scary ... we are well equipped and motivated to help tackle that issue ..
  • Can you tell me about your physical activities over the past few months? Follow Up - have you been participating in regular exercise?  Do you find any of your day to day activities challenging?  Do you have anyone helping you in the home?  Do you have any friends you can exercise with?
  • How did you get here today?  Follow Up - do you need help getting into the building?  Was your son able to help?  Do you find any of your day to day activities challenging?
  • Other?

Purpose Ideas:

  • Evaluate current fitness level
  • Work on leg strength
  • Help improve balance
  • Other?

No - DON'T

Yes - DO

  • Be impatient
  • Allow extra time to establish rapport
  • Talk to them like they have a cognitive limitation
  • Speak clearly and at a pace that is best received by the client
  • Talk like they have a disease 
  • Follow their lead and discuss their limitations with a positive yet realistic approach 
  • Refer to her as a senior citizen or elderly
  • Refer to her as an older adult

Waist Circumference

Waist Circumference and Health Risk
Waist circumference is a good measure of central/abdominal adiposity.


SexIdealSlight Health RiskSignificant Health Risk
Male< 94 cm94 – 101 cm> 102 cm
Female< 80 cm80 – 87 cm> 88 cm

Waist Circumference Protocol

A Note About Landmarking

Data Tracking Sheet

Weight, Waist Circumference and BIA

Height and Weight Protocol


Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

Waist Circumference