Phone Verification Exercise Database

Course: PHRE 3043 – Functional Movement Movement Pattern: Target: Synergist(s): Suboccipitals
Regressions: Progressions:

Key Teaching Points Expectation: [if 456 equals=”Supervised Practice”]Supervised Practice [/if 456][if 456 not_equal=”Supervised Practice”]Independent Learning[/if 456] [579]
  1. This stretch should only be completed pain free.
  2. While lying, allow one leg with bent knee to roll over to the side.
  3. Grasp the lower leg at the ankle and initiate a standard quads stretch.
  4. Place the opposite hand on the knee that is on top.
  5. Roll the shoulder of the hand holding the quads stretch back to the floor while applying an opposing pressure the hand placed on the opposite knee.
  6. The stretch should involve quads, gluts, thoracic spine, and possible chest musculature.
  7. Remember to breath.
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