Phone Verification Exercise Database

Course: PHRE 3043 – Functional Movement Movement Pattern: Target: Synergist(s):
Regressions: Progressions:

Key Teaching Points Expectation: [if 456 equals=”Supervised Practice”]Supervised Practice [/if 456][if 456 not_equal=”Supervised Practice”]Independent Learning[/if 456] [579]
  • Lie on your back with your lower legs (close to the ankle) on a foam roll, placing band around one foot. Using the band, raise the leg (keeping it relaxed) as high as possible without the knee bending.
  • Raise the other leg up to the level of the assisted leg.
  • Lower the unassisted leg slowly in a controlled manner while maintaining the toe up position of the leg and foot until you reach the elevated surface.
  • Make sure the low back and pelvis maintain position during the movement.
Common Error(s):

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