Get Active & Informed Consent

As part of pre-screening a client, you should be completing both a health history (e.g. Get Active) and an informed consent. The documents can be completed either electronically or in-person, but it important for trainers to have records for a liability perspective.

The Get Active questionnaire is a quick and effective health screening tool that will allow you to identify any major/pressing health concerns. In the event you identify one or more red flags, this can cue you to refer that client to a doctor for more advanced health screening before they initiate a fitness program.

The process of obtaining informed consent is also an important part of the screening process and serves several reasons:

  1. To ensure the client understands the benefits/risks/purpose of what is about to happen
  2. The client agrees to go forward with the process
  3. The trainer has documented proof of the client acknowledging any risks and still agreeing to move forward in the process

See the CSEP informed consent sheet

Do not be tempted to skip over this process! It is an important part of helping a client understand what fitness programming can/cannot do and will serve as the backbone of your establishing yourself as a trusted, credible expert.

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