The Arm Crank

The Arm Crank has been shown to be a valuable tool for determining sub-maximal aerobic fitness in clients with lower limb mobility issues.  This may include: spinal cord injury, obesity, diabetes, and very untrained clients.  The Arm Crank is not a suitable exercise choice for achieving a vigorous aerobic training intensity.  The Arm Crank should not be prescribed to clients with no lower limb mobility issues.  Special caution should be taken to prevent overuse injuries within the shoulder joint.  Make sure the Arm Crank is performed with neutral / upright posture and that the motion is pain free.

Review the activities below:

1-Arm Crank


Lower Body Exercises for Wheelchair Users

Case 1: Wheelchair Lower Body Weakness

Mark is a 14 year old male. Mark has muscular dystrophy (MD). This has resulted in Mark requiring the use of a wheelchair. Even though he finds standing difficult and currently does not ambulate he still has use of his lower body while seated. Mark would like to maintain lower body strength as much as possible.

Most clients that use wheelchairs have use of their trunk and lower limbs.  These clients are too week to ambulate (walk) long distances and therefore use a wheelchair as an ambulatory aide but often sit to stand, transfer and with support walk short distances.  For these clients it is very important to maintain lower body strength and range of motion.  The lower body should be exercised regularly and where possible include functional movements (e.g. supported sit to stand).  

Please practice coaching the exercises below:

1-Wheelchair Dips / Sit to Stand

2-Seated Cable Leg Curl

3-Ankle Weight Leg Extension

4-Hip Adduction Ball Squeeze

5-Hip Abduction Band Around Knees

The Floor Pedal Bike

The Floor Pedal and Recumbent Bikes can be a great mobility and light aerobic activity for individuals with lower limb mobility issues (e.g. diabetes, stroke, incomplete SCI, or MD).  Options to include both Arm and Leg mobility can also be helpful.  Special attention needs to be considered to ensure proper client and equipment fit and to help minimize pressure sores within the foot, sit bones, and posterior leg.

Review the activities below:

1-Floor Pedal Bike

2-Recumbent Bike

Wheelchair Safety

Some important issues to consider when operating a wheelchair include:

  • Foot pedal and possible arm rest removal and re-attachment
  • Brake engagement when chair is at rest
  • Making sure the client does not fall out of the chair
  • Fitting the wheelchair within the gym environment
  • Making sure the chair does not tip (especially backwards)

Review the activities below:

1-Pedal Removal and Replacement 

2-Arm Rest Removal and Replacement

3-Brake Application 



Inclusive Language Interview – Disability

Dave is a 38 year old male.  He was injured in an accident 3 years ago and now has a paraplegic spinal cord injury.  Before his injury he was an intermediate level fitness client and played in a weekly basketball league.  He would like to improve his core strength.  His goal is to try out for wheelchair rugby in the future.   

Open Ended Question Ideas:

  • What brings you here today Dave? Follow Up - empathetic listening; you've come to the right place, we have a facility of educated trainers and adaptive equipment, we are ready to go ...
  • Can you tell me about your physical activities over the past few months? Follow Up - have you been participating in regular exercise?  Have you watched or seen any Paralympic sports?  Do any activities cause you pain or discomfort?
  • What is your ultimate goal with this fitness journey?  
  • Other?

Purpose Ideas:

  • Evaluate current fitness level
  • Work on sport specific training
  • Connect with a wheelchair sport team
  • Other?

No - DON'T

Yes - DO

  • Ask about what they did before the accident
  • Ask them what they would like to do now
  • Use negative terms like confined to or suffering from
  • Use terms like uses a wheelchair or has a spinal cord injury
  • Focus on disability
  • Focus on ability
  • Treat them as overly special
  • Treat them like any other person
  • Overreact if you accidentally make a comment such as "you could also do this in standing"
  • Apologize and move on
  • Talk to them like they have a cognitive limitation
  • Talk to them like any other person

Body Weight Core Training

Competency Teaching Points

  1. Mention the importance and demonstrate the concept of neutral spine
  2. Prom the prone position, have client brace against forearms, with elbows positioned under the shoulders, legs fully extended and the toes pointed down to the floor
  3. Explain and cue engaging the core
  4. Have client attempt to hold position for at least 30 seconds, watch for form errors


Bird Dog

McGill Crunch

Cobra Stretch

Not Recommended: Hanging Leg Raise

Not Recommended: Russian Twist


Alternating Superman

Machine Back Extension

Low Back Stretch

Stability Ball Core Training

Stability Ball Crunch

Stability Ball Rollout

Stability Ball Jackknife

Competency: Inverted Row

Inverted Row

Movement Pattern: Pull | horizontal Target: Latissimus Dorsi Synergist(s): Deltoid (Posterior), Rhomboids, Trapezius
Regressions: 1-Arm Row Progressions: Bent-Over Row
Key Teaching Points
  1. Position a bar in a rack to about waist height. You can also use a smith machine.
  2. Using a slightly wider than shoulder width grip (hands pronated), have client hang underneath the bar. Client’s body should be straight with heels on the ground with their arms fully extended. This will be the starting position.
  3. Instruct the client to initiate movement by flexing the elbow, pulling their chest towards the bar. Cue client to retract their shoulder blades as they perform the movement.
  4. Pause at the top of the motion, and return back to the start position.

Regression: If client is unable to maintain core stability or unable to pull their chest until it almost touches the bar, you can have client bend their knees to 90° and keep their feet flat while performing the motion.

Common Error(s): Forward Head Posture | Not engaging core
Spotting: Mirror Client Level

Doorway Lat Stretch

Movement Pattern: Upper Body Target: Latissimus Dorsi Synergist(s):
Regressions: Progressions:
Key Teaching Points
  1. Start facing a doorway with feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Then bring up your arm to the door frame, grasping it at shoulder height
    and parallel to the floor.
  3. After holding a firm grasp to the door frame, sink down slowly into the
    stretch by keeping the head down and the butt out.

Note: Make sure that when coming out of this stretch that you come up
slowly, to prevent injuring the shoulder.

Common Error(s):


Competency Teaching Points

  1. Review start position: prone (facing down), hands on the floor under shoulders, elbows pointed out at no more than 45°, legs fully extended.
  2. Discuss neutral spine/need to keep torso rigid throughout the movement
  3. Discuss target ROM (lower the body by allowing the elbows to flex until chest is hovering 1-2″ above the ground).
  4. Review common errors
    1. Leading with chin/bum in air
    2. Letting hips sag

Movement Pattern: Press | horizontal Target: Pec Major Synergist(s): Deltoids (Anterior), Triceps
Regressions: Incline Push Up Progressions: Bench Press
Key Teaching Points
  1. Assume a prone position (lying face down) on the floor with the legs fully extended and the toes pointed down to the floor.
  2. Place the hands on the floor, palms down, ~ 2 to 3 inches wider than shoulder-width apart with the elbows pointed outward.
  3. Keeping the core engaged (torso should remain in a straight line) push against the floor with the hands to fully extend the elbows.
  4. After completing the push-up phase, lower the body by allowing the elbows to flex to a 90° angle (or a position where the chest is hovering 1-2″ above the ground).
Common Error(s): Not engaging core | Forward Head Posture | Sagging lower back

CSEP: Push-Up Test