Foot and Ankle Dorsiflexor and Evertor Muscles

Key Bony Markings

Dorsiflexion, Inversion and Eversion

Foot and Ankle Plantar Flexor Muscles

Key Bony Markings

The Plantar Flexors

Review and practice the Hinge and Rotate exercises

Familiarize yourself with various HINGE and ROTATE  exercises (with and without instability), experience the exercises, and recognize when you would coach these exercises (with whom and when in training).

Hinge Exercises:

General form and cue reminders:

  • stiff neutral spine
  • level pelvis
  • maximal hip flexion-extension
  • minimal knee flexion-extension
  • near vertical shin angle
Rotate Exercises:

Rotational strength is trained for striking power. These exercises involve core stability with hip mobility. As with all exercise done to increase power, these exercises are done in an unstable environment.

General form and cue reminders:

  • maintain core stability
  • maintain neutral posture
  • generate power through the core using mobility in the hips, shoulders, and thoracic spine

After reviewing and practising these exercises, mark this task as complete, and move to the final task of completing a full (Hinge or Rotate) peer review exam practice.

Review Lab Exam Comptencies

The following exercise pairings will be possibilities for your lab exam.

Goblet Squat & Bird Dog
  1. Instruct client to stand with feet approximately shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly out. | 1
  2. Discuss the importance of maintaining as erect a torso as possible (neutral spine) throughout the movement. | 1
  3. Instruct client to keep knees aligned with toes (knees don't collapse in) | 1
  4. Discuss target ROM (squat until knees are bent below 90 degrees) | 1
  5. Cue client to keep weight back (e.g.: weight over ankles or more towards heels than toes) | 1
  6. Client completes at least 10 reps. | 1
  7. Screen pain/discomfort during squat. | 1
  8. Offer client the option to use a mat | 1
  9. Explain and cue engaging the core, keeping pelvis stable | 1
  10. Instruct and verify client can fully extend a single leg (while maintaining neutral spine) | 1
  11. Instruct and verify client can fully extend a single arm (while maintaining neutral spine) | 1
  12. Instruct and verify client can fully extend the opposing arm-leg, hold for ~2 seconds | 1
  13. Perform 6-8 reps per side | 1
  14. Screen pain/discomfort during bird-dog | 1
  15. Explain a stretch appropriate for a novice client that targets the muscles trained in the squat. | 1
Split Squat & Push Up
  1. Determine a stance length/width that should allow the client to be balanced. | 1
  2. Mention the importance of maintaining as erect a torso as possible (neutral spine) throughout the movement. | 1
  3. Explain target range-of-motion (i.e. knees form a 90˚angle at the bottom of the movement.) | 1
  4. Cue client to push off through the heel of the lead leg | 1
  5. Complete 8-10 reps per leg | 1
  6. Screen pain/discomfort during split squat | 1
  7. Offer client the option to use a mat | 1
  8. Have client assume a prone position (lying face down) on the floor with the legs fully extended and the toes pointed down to the floor. | 1
  9. Cue your client to keep the core engaged (torso should remain in a straight line; neutral spine) | 1
  10. Have client place their hands on the floor, palms down, ~ 1 to 3 inches wider than shoulder-width apart with the elbows pointed outward. | 1
  11. Explain the impact of moving hands closer in/further away from shoulder-width | 1
  12. Have client push (i.e. fully extend the elbows), then lower the body by allowing the elbows to flex to a 90° angle (or a position where the chest is hovering 1-2″ above the ground) | 1
  13. Complete at least 10 reps | 1
  14. Screen pain/discomfort during push-up | 1
  15. Explain a stretch appropriate for a novice client that targets the muscles trained in the split squat. | 1
Hip Bridge & Plank
  1. Offer client option to use a mat | 1
  2. Have client lie on their back, feet planted on the floor. Arms at sides for balance | 1
  3. Explain that movement involves client thrusting hips forward to full extension by pushing off heels and contracting glutes | 1
  4. Watch client demonstrate movement, helping client achieve full extension, if necessary | 1
  5. Complete at least 10 reps | 1
  6. Screen pain/discomfort during bridge | 1
  7. Demonstrate/teach progression to 1-leg bridge | 1
  8. Again, offer client the option to use a mat | 1
  9. Mention the importance of maintaining as erect a torso as possible (neutral spine) throughout the movement | 1
  10. In a prone position, have client brace against forearms, with elbows positioned under the shoulders, legs fully extended and the toes pointed down to the floor | 1
  11. Explain and cue engaging the core | 1
  12. Instruct the client to raise body upward until body is help in a straight line | 1
  13. Have client attempt to hold position for at least 30 seconds | 1
  14. Screening of pain/discomfort during plank | 1
  15. Explain a stretch appropriate for a novice client that targets the muscles used in the hip bridge | 1
Inverted Row & McGill Crunch
  1. Position a bar in a rack to a height that will allow client to extend arms without lying on the floor | 1
  2. Using a slightly wider than shoulder width grip (hands pronated), have client hang underneath the bar | 1
  3. Client’s body should be straight (neutral spine) with heels on the ground with their arms fully extended | 1
  4. Instruct the client to initiate movement by flexing the elbow, pulling their chest towards the bar. Pause then return to starting position | 1
  5. Complete at least 10 reps | 1
  6. Screening pain/discomfort during row | 1
  7. Offer your client a mat | 1
  8. Have client lie on their back on the floor with one leg extended straight and flat on the floor, the knee of the opposite leg should be bent and the foot flat | 1
  9. Explain to client the desired range-of-motion and target muscle activation | 1
  10. Have client place their hands hands palms down on the floor underneath the natural arch in their lower back | 1
  11. Have client slowly raise their head and shoulders off the floor without bending the lower back or spine | 1
  12. Hold this position for 7 to 10 seconds, then lower torso back to mat | 1
  13. Complete 3-5 repetitions | 1
  14. Screening pain/discomfort during crunch | 1
  15. Explain a stretch appropriate for a novice client that targets the muscles used in the row | 1

PHRE 1041 Lab Exam Competencies

The following exercise pairings will be possibilities for your lab exam.

Goblet Squat & Bird Dog
  1. Instruct client to stand with feet approximately shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly out. | 1
  2. Discuss the importance of maintaining as erect a torso as possible (neutral spine) throughout the movement. | 1
  3. Instruct client to keep knees aligned with toes (knees don't collapse in) | 1
  4. Discuss target ROM (squat until knees are bent below 90 degrees) | 1
  5. Cue client to keep weight back (e.g.: weight over ankles or more towards heels than toes) | 1
  6. Client completes at least 10 reps. | 1
  7. Screen pain/discomfort during squat. | 1
  8. Offer client the option to use a mat | 1
  9. Explain and cue engaging the core, keeping pelvis stable | 1
  10. Instruct and verify client can fully extend a single leg (while maintaining neutral spine) | 1
  11. Instruct and verify client can fully extend a single arm (while maintaining neutral spine) | 1
  12. Instruct and verify client can fully extend the opposing arm-leg, hold for ~2 seconds | 1
  13. Perform 6-8 reps per side | 1
  14. Screen pain/discomfort during bird-dog | 1
  15. Explain a stretch appropriate for a novice client that targets the muscles trained in the squat. | 1
Split Squat & Push Up
  1. Determine a stance length/width that should allow the client to be balanced. | 1
  2. Mention the importance of maintaining as erect a torso as possible (neutral spine) throughout the movement. | 1
  3. Explain target range-of-motion (i.e. knees form a 90˚angle at the bottom of the movement.) | 1
  4. Cue client to push off through the heel of the lead leg | 1
  5. Complete 8-10 reps per leg | 1
  6. Screen pain/discomfort during split squat | 1
  7. Offer client the option to use a mat | 1
  8. Have client assume a prone position (lying face down) on the floor with the legs fully extended and the toes pointed down to the floor. | 1
  9. Cue your client to keep the core engaged (torso should remain in a straight line; neutral spine) | 1
  10. Have client place their hands on the floor, palms down, ~ 1 to 3 inches wider than shoulder-width apart with the elbows pointed outward. | 1
  11. Explain the impact of moving hands closer in/further away from shoulder-width | 1
  12. Have client push (i.e. fully extend the elbows), then lower the body by allowing the elbows to flex to a 90° angle (or a position where the chest is hovering 1-2″ above the ground) | 1
  13. Complete at least 10 reps | 1
  14. Screen pain/discomfort during push-up | 1
  15. Explain a stretch appropriate for a novice client that targets the muscles trained in the split squat. | 1
Hip Bridge & Plank
  1. Offer client option to use a mat | 1
  2. Have client lie on their back, feet planted on the floor. Arms at sides for balance | 1
  3. Explain that movement involves client thrusting hips forward to full extension by pushing off heels and contracting glutes | 1
  4. Watch client demonstrate movement, helping client achieve full extension, if necessary | 1
  5. Complete at least 10 reps | 1
  6. Screen pain/discomfort during bridge | 1
  7. Demonstrate/teach progression to 1-leg bridge | 1
  8. Again, offer client the option to use a mat | 1
  9. Mention the importance of maintaining as erect a torso as possible (neutral spine) throughout the movement | 1
  10. In a prone position, have client brace against forearms, with elbows positioned under the shoulders, legs fully extended and the toes pointed down to the floor | 1
  11. Explain and cue engaging the core | 1
  12. Instruct the client to raise body upward until body is help in a straight line | 1
  13. Have client attempt to hold position for at least 30 seconds | 1
  14. Screening of pain/discomfort during plank | 1
  15. Explain a stretch appropriate for a novice client that targets the muscles used in the hip bridge | 1
Inverted Row & McGill Crunch
  1. Position a bar in a rack to a height that will allow client to extend arms without lying on the floor | 1
  2. Using a slightly wider than shoulder width grip (hands pronated), have client hang underneath the bar | 1
  3. Client’s body should be straight (neutral spine) with heels on the ground with their arms fully extended | 1
  4. Instruct the client to initiate movement by flexing the elbow, pulling their chest towards the bar. Pause then return to starting position | 1
  5. Complete at least 10 reps | 1
  6. Screening pain/discomfort during row | 1
  7. Offer your client a mat | 1
  8. Have client lie on their back on the floor with one leg extended straight and flat on the floor, the knee of the opposite leg should be bent and the foot flat | 1
  9. Explain to client the desired range-of-motion and target muscle activation | 1
  10. Have client place their hands hands palms down on the floor underneath the natural arch in their lower back | 1
  11. Have client slowly raise their head and shoulders off the floor without bending the lower back or spine | 1
  12. Hold this position for 7 to 10 seconds, then lower torso back to mat | 1
  13. Complete 3-5 repetitions | 1
  14. Screening pain/discomfort during crunch | 1
  15. Explain a stretch appropriate for a novice client that targets the muscles used in the row | 1

Muscled Leg, Hip and Torso Models – Bringing it all Together

Torso Model

Muscled Leg and Hip

Hip Hinging Related Exercises

Leg Curl

Hip Bridge

Fire Hydrant


Gluteals and TFL Muscles

Key Bony Markings

Gluteal Muscles

TFL Muscle

Posterior Knee and Pelvis



Hamstrings Muscle

Key Bony Markings

The Hamstrings